7 февраля 2010 года состоялось заседание Бюро проблемной комиссии,
приуроченное к 50-летию Российского университета дружбы народов и 90-летнему юбилею
профессора Ф. Халберга.
На заседании присутствовали: председатель ПК д.м.н., профессор С.И. Рапопорт, заместители председателя д.м.н., профессор В.А. Фролов и д.м.н., профессор С.М. Чибисов, учёный секретарь к.м.н. М.Л. Благонравов.
17 номер информационно-аналитического бюллетеня
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Пусть в новом 2010 году Вам достанутся самые лучшие стипендии и гранты, которые можно найти в 17 номере нашего Информационно-аналитического бюллетеня.
Discoveries of Rhythms in Human Biological Functions: A Historical Review
Discoveries of Rhythms in Human Biological Functions: A Historical Review
Lemmer, Björn
Chronobiology International,26:6,1019 — 1068, 2009
Abstract: Though there are very early and ancient observations on the daily variation in physiological and pathophysiological functions (e.g., bronchial asthma), more detailed and scientific reports were not published until the beginning of the 17th century. The aim of this review is to bring those reports to the attention of researchers of chronobiology and chronopharmacology. The ancient books and their contents, which constitute the basis for this review, are part of the personal library collection of the author; numerous observations and reports on biologic rhythms in man are presented here for the first time. The intent of this review is to demonstrate that the fields of chronobiology and chronopharmacology are not only a new and modern branch of science, but that it stands on the shoulders of wonderful and insightful observations and explanations made by our scientific forefathers. It is the hope that the reader will enjoy the richness of the ancient reports that contribute to our present knowledge achieved through astute early biologic rhythm research.
Circadian disruption induced by light at night accelerates aging and promotes tumorigenesis in rats
Circadian disruption induced by light at night accelerates aging and promotes
tumorigenesis in rats
Irina A. Vinogradova, Vladimir N. Anisimov, Andrey V. Bukalev, Anna V.Semenchenko, Mark A. Zabezhinski
Abstract: We evaluated the effect of various light/dark regimens on the survival, life span and tumorigenesis in rats. Two hundred eight male and 203 females LIO rats were subdivided into 4 groups and kept at various light/dark regimens: standard 12:12 light/dark (LD); natural lighting of the North-West of Russia (NL); constant light (LL), and constant darkness (DD) since the age of 25 days until natural death. We found that exposure to NL and LL regimens accelerated development of metabolic syndrome and spontaneous tumorigenesis, shortened life span both in male and females rats as compared to the standard LD regimen. We conclude that circadian disruption induced by light-at-night accelerates aging and promotes tumorigenesis in rats. This observation supports the conclusion of the International Agency Research on Cancer that shiftwork that involves circadian disruption is probably carcinogenic to humans.