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Chronobiology and chronomics: detecting and applying the cycles of nature


Chronobiology and chronomics: detecting and applying the cycles of nature.

Abstract: «We monitor our streets to prevent assault and rodents to develop drugs, but not those for whom the drugs are intended. It took over half a century to begin to monitor blood sugar values in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. Monitoring blood pressure is equally timely and technically feasible for individual home- and website-based personalised care. It also serves basic science and someday perhaps the management of societal illnesses….»



«Нужно рассмотреть возможность сокращения количества часовых поясов. Конечно, надо просчитать последствия такого решения. Это касается, кстати, и целесообразности перехода на летнее и зимнее время», – сказал президент в Послании ФС. «Здесь нужно сравнить все выгоды от экономии и очевидные неудобства. Но сделать это надо. Я надеюсь, специалисты дадут нам объективные ответы на эти вопросы», – добавил глава государства. Читать далее

17 номер информационно-аналитического бюллетеня

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Discoveries of Rhythms in Human Biological Functions: A Historical Review

Discoveries of Rhythms in Human Biological Functions: A Historical Review

Lemmer, Björn

Chronobiology International,26:6,1019 — 1068, 2009

AbstractThough there are very early and ancient observations on the daily variation in physiological and pathophysiological functions (e.g., bronchial asthma), more detailed and scientific reports were not published until the beginning of the 17th century. The aim of this review is to bring those reports to the attention of researchers of chronobiology and chronopharmacology. The ancient books and their contents, which constitute the basis for this review, are part of the personal library collection of the author; numerous observations and reports on biologic rhythms in man are presented here for the first time. The intent of this review is to demonstrate that the fields of chronobiology and chronopharmacology are not only a new and modern branch of science, but that it stands on the shoulders of wonderful and insightful observations and explanations made by our scientific forefathers. It is the hope that the reader will enjoy the richness of the ancient reports that contribute to our present knowledge achieved through astute early biologic rhythm research.  


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